Is Your Bad Breath Caused By Medication Or Dental Health Problems?

Bad breath or halitosis is an embarrassing situation that can be sometimes hard to diagnose. Usually, dental problems are the culprit and a trip to the dentist will help. However, there are many types of medications that may actually cause or contribute to bad breath. Common Medications That Cause Bad Breath The full list of medications that cause bad breath is too large to include fully, but the most commonly used drugs that cause bad breath include: Read More 

Information Regarding Clear Aligners

If you have decided to go with clear aligners in order to get your teeth straighter then you will be interested in learning all about them. This includes the process you have to go through in order to get them, how you will need to care for them and what you can expect the experience of wearing them to be like. Learn more about the aligners here: What's the process like for getting them? Read More 

Getting Used to Your Tooth Replacement

When you have a tooth replaced or repaired with something like a dental implant, a crown, a dental bridge, dentures or another option, it can take a while for you to get used to having something new and different in your mouth. If you are finding it uncomfortable and irritating to get used to your new dental fixture, then you should try following some of the tips detailed here so you can get back to feeling normal as quickly as possible. Read More 

Helping Your Teen Through Eating Disorder Recovery: Three Tips To Improve Their Oral Health

Seeking help for your teen's eating disorder was your first priority, and they are working hard on getting better in their treatment program. While they are learning coping strategies to strengthen their mental health, you are now ready to start focusing on helping them heal the rest of their body. Unfortunately, eating disorders such as bulimia place major stress on the mouth since stomach acids and a lack of nutrition play a major role in tooth decay and gum disease. Read More 

Why Does Coffee Stain Teeth?

If you have been looking for ways to keep your teeth as white as possible, then you may have learned that it is wise to cut back on your coffee consumption. Coffee is one beverage that can leave relatively dark stains on teeth. If you are confused about why and how coffee can be so troublesome, then keep reading. Coffee Contains Tannins When coffee beans are harvested, they are naturally a green color. Read More