Tooth Replacement Applications

One or more lost teeth can have a significantly negative impact on the look of your smile and the health of your mouth. A dental gap not only makes the teeth appear less uniform, but it can also lead to a dental misalignment. Since each tooth serves as a place-keeper for the teeth that are positioned next to it, a missing tooth allows enough room for the nearby teeth to gradually shift out of place. Read More 

Don’t Forget To Ask Your Child’s Dentist These 3 Questions

Your child's dental checkups are just as important as their checkups with their pediatrician. Tooth health is integral to overall health, and setting your child up for good dental health now can help them avoid tooth problems and expensive dental treatments in the future. Take a look at some important questions you should ask your child's dentist the next time you bring them in for a checkup. Should My Child See an Orthodontist? Read More 

3 Dietary Supplements That Can Harm Your Enamel

Over-the-counter dietary supplements are taken by many people who use them to correct nutritional deficiencies, boost immune function, and to lower cholesterol. While supplements may be an effective alternative treatment option, you should discuss them with your physician and dentist before you start taking them. Supplements can have side effects, just like prescription medications. They should be taken with caution because they can even negatively affect your teeth and gums. Here are three dietary supplements that can harm your tooth enamel and what you can do about it: Read More 

How To Protect Your Sensitive Gums From Tooth Whitening

If you want to have your teeth whitened, you have plenty of options available to you. However, if your gums are sensitive, inflamed, or easily irritated, a lot of those options aren't a good idea anymore. If you've had a bad experience with whitening your teeth due to your sensitive gums or just don't want to hurt them, read on to learn how to get the white smile you're dreaming of without making your gums unhappy. Read More 

Ways Your Dental Office Can Help You Afford Good Dental Care

It is so important to take good care of your teeth and gums. In fact, so very many dentists agree with that statement that they are willing to help patients afford their dental visits and dental care. If your dental insurance is lacking, or if you have no dental insurance at all, take a look at how these family dental offices are attempting to encourage good dental care and make it affordable. Read More