After several nights of miserable teething, your baby's tooth finally erupts through the gums. You're so proud that your child finally has that first tooth, but you can't help but thinking it looks a little bluish. It's probably not your imagination. Healthy baby teeth are stark white when they first erupt. If your baby's tooth has a blue tint, he or she probably has a condition known as dentinogenesis imperfecta.
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Your teeth are an important part of your smile, but your gums are just as crucial. Excess gum tissue can make your teeth look too short, creating a smile that is more gums than teeth. An uneven gum line that makes some teeth appear longer than others can also ruin your confidence in your smile. If you have either of these problems, gum reshaping may be for you. Here's what you need to know about this procedure.
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Many children do not understand the importance of good oral hygiene, so they may suffer more cavities than adults. As a parent, it is very important to instill good oral hygiene habits in your child and do whatever it takes to help him prevent cavities. The fewer cavities your child has, the less time he will have to spend in the dentist's chair. Here are six great tips for helping your child avoid cavities.
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You've hit the half-century mark, and you actually feel younger than the age on your driver's license. But for some reason, time hasn't been so kind to your face or body -- both of which look older than you really are. Although some people might just accept things the way they are, you've never been one of them. And while you aren't looking into making any drastic changes to look younger; you certainly wouldn't mind looking your correct age.
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Dental crowns create an almost perfect replacement for missing teeth. While they typically stay in place permanently after they are installed, they can on occasion fall out when you are eating hard or sticky foods, or if you experience unexpected dental trauma. Here are the steps you should take immediately after losing a crown.
Inspect the Crown for Damage
The first thing you should do is determine if the crown has been damaged.
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