Among dental problems that can plague you, having an abscessed tooth remains among the worst. There are a variety of reasons that a person can have an abscessed tooth, and likewise, there are a number of solutions that you can use to rid yourself of the tooth. They both involve a visit to the dentist's office where you will either receive a root canal or have the tooth extracted. This brief article will address what an abscessed tooth is and whether you may need a root canal or an extraction.
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An attractive smile is essential for a high level of confidence, but your underlying dental health should be your most important concern. Known as disastema, gap-tooth smiles are common issues affecting many smiles. While it may not seem appealing to you, many people find the gap-tooth smile appealing due to some well-loved celebrities. If you have a gap in between your teeth, you may be wondering when and if to correct this problem.
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Celiac disease has more awareness than ever now that more people are turning to gluten free diets. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that can infect anyone from infants to adults. Celiac is a gluten protein intolerance in the small intestine that affects food absorption. What many people don't realize is that dentists can often be the first to detect celiac disease. They are a vital role in early detection. Here are some ways that celiac affects your teeth and what you can do about it.
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According to the American Dental Association, over 180 million people in the U.S. don't visit their dentist each year, even if they have dental problems. Oral health problems can affect your overall health, so it's very important to see your dentist regularly. Here are five of the most common excuses people give for not getting regular dental care, and the reasons why those excuses just aren't valid.
It's too expensive
Although most Americans have medical insurance to help offset the cost of health care, many do not have dental insurance.
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If you are a dentist, then you cater to a wide range of patients. Some individuals you treat may have chronic disorders, anxieties, or mental problems that cause difficulties during routine exams. If you treat children, then you should understand that some of your patients may also have developmental problems. Conditions like autism can bring about some unique challenges during even the most routine appointments. It is your job to make sure that patients receive the dental care they deserve, so keep reading to find out how you can make appointments easier for autistic patients.
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