While losing teeth is a relatively common experience for many individuals around the world, modern technology has made it so that living with fewer teeth is a choice rather than a consequence. Dental implants can make all of the difference in the lives of those who suffer from losing a tooth.
There are several different reasons why someone could lose a tooth. These reasons include but are not limited to: Dental decay, trauma to a tooth, and complications from diseases like diabetes.
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People often view chipped front teeth as an injury that is consistent with being in a fight or sustaining a sports injury without wearing a mouthguard. While it's certainly true that impacts from these two activities can often lead to a chipped front tooth, you might be surprised to realize that something that you do several times a day can also heighten your risk of this damage. Drinking is a seemingly innocent activity, but one that can easily lead to damage to one of your front teeth.
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Your gums are an imperative part of your oral health. Not only do they complete the look of your smile, but they are also essential for supporting your teeth in the most effective manner possible. Unfortunately, your gums do take a great deal of abuse over time. You may think light swelling and some bleeding of the gum tissue is normal, but that is not actually true. Here are a few common reasons why your gums may be bleeding.
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If you have missing teeth that you want to fix, you're likely looking into dental implant treatment as a way to fix them for good. However, you will need to make sure that you have the following problems under control before you move forward with the procedure.
Anybody that regularly smokes needs to consider quitting this habit before they get their dental implants installed. That is because smoking is known to slow down how quickly wounds can heal in your mouth, which is due to how smoking reduces blood circulation in that area of the body.
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One or more lost teeth can have a significantly negative impact on the look of your smile and the health of your mouth. A dental gap not only makes the teeth appear less uniform, but it can also lead to a dental misalignment.
Since each tooth serves as a place-keeper for the teeth that are positioned next to it, a missing tooth allows enough room for the nearby teeth to gradually shift out of place.
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