3 Reasons Your Gums May Be Bleeding

Your gums are an imperative part of your oral health. Not only do they complete the look of your smile, but they are also essential for supporting your teeth in the most effective manner possible. Unfortunately, your gums do take a great deal of abuse over time. You may think light swelling and some bleeding of the gum tissue is normal, but that is not actually true. Here are a few common reasons why your gums may be bleeding.

Harsh Brushing/Flossing

Some people believe the harder you brush, the cleaner your teeth and gums will be. While surprising to learn, the opposite is actually true.

It is important to remember that brushing to hard can irritate the gum tissue, causing it to be inflamed and swollen. You may notice the gums are bleeding at times, as well. This harsh brushing also irritates the tissue to the point where food and bacteria builds up inside the gums, increasing the risk of gum disease, which results in even more bleeding and pain.

When brushing, make sure to run the soft-bristled toothbrush in circular motions gently over the teeth and gums. When flossing, avoid using a sawing motion, since this could also irritate the gum tissue. Instead, make a C-motion when you are moving the flossing string in between your teeth.

Gingivitis/Periodontal Disease

Bleeding gums may also indicate a form of gingivitis or gum disease. This inflammation occurs as bacteria and plaque build up on the gumline.

Remember that untreated gingivitis can lead to a more severe form of gum disease, which not only causes your gums to bleed, but can also cause painful swelling and tooth loss.

Half of all Americans have some form of periodontal, or gum, disease, so understanding the signs and treatment options is key, especially since gum disease is a progressive disorder that worsens quickly.


If you have bleeding gums, consult your doctor because many patients with this symptom have diabetes.

Diabetes can cause inflammation and bleeding of the gums in a few ways. In most cases, the inflammation and bleeding occur because the mouth of a diabetic patient is so dry. Without enough saliva in the mouth, food residue, plaque, and bacteria will not be rinsed away. This allows the residue and bacteria to build up on the gum tissue, causing gingivitis.

Also, diabetic patients have a weak immune system, so the body cannot fight off oral infections, such as decay and gingivitis, meaning your gums will be inflamed, swollen, and bleeding if you have diabetes. 

Visit a site like https://www.mysunshinedentistry.com/ for more help.
