Ways Your Dental Office Can Help You Afford Good Dental Care
It is so important to take good care of your teeth and gums. In fact, so very many dentists agree with that statement that they are willing to help patients afford their dental visits and dental care. If your dental insurance is lacking, or if you have no dental insurance at all, take a look at how these family dental offices are attempting to encourage good dental care and make it affordable.
Payment Plans
A lot of dental offices offer structured payment plans. This allows you to pay a little each month to cover current dental bills, as well as future dental procedures and office visits. If you do not have any more visits in your future, or you do not need any procedures in a given year, the extra payments you make roll over to cover next year's dental bills. It is the equivalent of a health insurance savings account for medical expenses, except that this account is for dental expenses only.
Discounts for Paying in Full
Some dental offices will give you a big discount on your services if you pay your bill in full on the day of service. This may help you if you know you can afford "x" amount of dollars but cannot afford more than that. A twenty percent discount on an $800 bill, for example, is $160, which means you would only need $640 to pay your bill in full on the day of service.
National Supplemental Dental Insurance
These supplemental insurances are frequently offered by dental offices to patients whose own insurance barely covers the cost of teeth cleaning twice a year, and not much more. The supplemental plans kick in a lot more coverage, thereby reducing the cost of many common services (e.g., cavity restoration, emergency tooth repair, extractions, etc.). People without primary dental insurance can also use this supplemental insurance to help with dental costs.
Dental Credit Cards
A lot of dentists now offer a dental credit card or co-credit card. The dental credit card covers only dental expenses, which may help you spread out payments for your dental expenses over several months. A co-credit card also allows you to make other purchases not related to dental expenses (i.e., it is a regular credit card, but it is also a dental credit card offered by a dentist/dental office). Good credit is required to apply for either of these credit cards.
For more information, contact a company like ComfortCare Dental.