Why Do You Have A Gum Boil?

If you can see a liquid-filled lump on your gum, then you probably have a gum boil. These boils appear when you have a dental infection. When does this happen?

You Have a Tooth Abscess

If you have an infected tooth, then most of the infection usually stays within the tooth structure. However, sometimes, the infection can leak out into your gum. If the pressure of the infection is severe enough, then infected material can push out through the gum. The boil you get here is usually full of pus.

If you have a dental abscess, then you usually know about it before the boil appears. Your tooth will hurt. However, sometimes, gum boils appear before you get other symptoms. Typically, these boils appear around the root area of the tooth. They need immediate attention. Your dentist might drain the boil, give you antibiotics, and perform a root canal procedure.

You Have Gum Disease

Gum boils sometimes appear if you have gum disease problems. You might be having treatment at the moment or your problems might be undiagnosed. These boils often spring up around the gum line. They are a sign that that area of your gum has an infection.

For example, if you have pockets in your gums, then food and bacteria can lodge inside them. If these materials decay in place, then they can cause bacterial infections. Here, your dentist will usually clean out the boil and assess if you need antibiotics. They might also need to do some work on your gums to deal with your pockets and restore their health.

You've Recently Had Dental Surgery

Sometimes, you can get a gum boil after dental surgery. This infection tends to be more localized and might not need additional treatment. For example, if you haven't been able to keep a surgical site clean after a procedure, then bacteria might cause an infection that pushes out a boil. Here, your dentist will usually start by draining and cleaning the boil. You might need antibiotics if you have a significant infection.

Your dentist will then assess why the boil appeared in the first place. If there is no underlying problem, then they might simply recommend ways to keep the site clean until it heals again.

Dentists are the best people to deal with gum boils. You shouldn't try to treat them yourself. So, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can. You might need antibiotics to deal with the infection and further treatment for the underlying problem. 

For more info, contact local professionals like Teena Jeffreys McLaughlin DMD  Christian Russ DMD.
