4 Helpful Aftercare Tips To Follow After Dental Implant Treatment

The perfect tooth replacement option often revolves around dental implant treatment. Many people prefer the treatment due to its wide range of benefits, including durability and its resemblance to natural teeth. Now that you have possibly decided to go for tooth implants, you must wonder what happens after the surgery.

As part of the preparation process, you might want to arm yourself with aftercare tips for dental implant surgery. Here are some ways in which you can make the recovery period more manageable.

1. Get Some Rest

Tooth implant treatments are invasive procedures that require rest for quick healing. Therefore, you might want to seek a few days off to sleep and rest. Minimize physical activities and workouts to avoid hurting yourself and the surgical site. Getting adequate rest allows your body to recover, and prevent blood clots on the surgical site, and put the dry sockets at bay.

2. Take Pain Medication

It is normal for your oral space to swell, experience some pain, and experience slight bleeding for the first few hours after implant surgery. Fortunately, all these subside as the surgical site continues to heal. But what can you do to make this period bearable?

Your dentist might prescribe pain killers such as ibuprofen for pain relief. You may also wrap an icepack in a towel and place it on the inflamed site to ease the pain and discomfort. If you experience excessive bleeding and pain that doesn't seem to go away, consider checking in with your dentist immediately.

3. Avoid Smoking

Smoking has been linked to developing lung cancer and other health complications. After dental implant treatment, your dentist is likely to ask you to avoid smoking. Smoking hinders normal recovery processes because it affects normal blood and oxygen circulation in the body.

With inadequate nutrient and oxygen supply to the surgical site, it could take ages for the wound to heal. Poor dental hygiene standards associated with smoking could also welcome infections that affect the gum. Therefore, you should avoid smoking during this recovery period.

4. Eat Soft, Balanced Diets

Due to the pain and swelling after implant surgery, some patients find it hard to consume hard foods such as nuts and apples. Eat softer foods such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, pudding, protein shakes, and freshly squeezed juice. Ensure they have high nutrient content to promote healing. Avoid spicy and hot foods that could irritate your healing sites.

These tips ensure you bounce back and enjoy your dental implants. If you fear undergoing dental implant treatment because of the recovery process, you have no reason to worry. All you need is to choose the right dental implant surgeon and follow these tips for quick recovery.
