4 Reasons for That Strange Taste in Your Mouth

Strange tastes in your mouth are usually easily explained. Maybe you ate an under ripe banana, pieces of pecan nuts, or a persimmon that was particularly astringent, making your mouth pucker and feel dry. Other occasion, however, you may not be able to explain why you have a weird taste in your mouth. The source might be from your own body rather than a food or drink you consumed. Take a look at some possible reasons for that odd taste in your mouth and what you can do about it.

Stomach Acid

Acid reflux is the condition when stomach acid passes up into your esophagus, and even as high as your mouth and nose. The result is a sour, bitter taste that can be alarming if you've never experienced it until now. The acid can damage the tissue lining your esophagus if it occurs regularly. Acid reflux may or may not be accompanied by nausea and indigestion.

Silent acid reflux causes this taste in your mouth along with a sore throat usually after you wake up each morning. Even rarer is bile reflux as bile from your gallbladder and small intestine can reach all the way to your mouth.

To prevent acid reflux, there are several over the counter medications you can take. Some people learn to recognize what food triggers their acid reflux and simply avoid it altogether or at least in the evening hours before bedtime. Sometimes prescriptions are necessary for chronic cases of acid reflux and bile reflux.


Changes in blood glucose levels can make a funny taste in your mouth, like sweet, metallic, or fruity. Often people notice them prior to being diagnosed with diabetes. It's believed the amount of glucose in your saliva increases as your blood sugar rises, making it taste sweet. Another explanation may be if glucose in the bloodstream is not used by your body as energy, your body resorts to using stored fat for energy instead. This is called diabetic ketoacidosis; byproducts of fat called ketones build up in your body, causing a sweet or fruity taste.

See your doctor immediately if you experience a fruity taste in your mouth or other symptoms of diabetes. Sometimes if you simply have not eaten for a long time your body is forced to use fat stores, causing the strange taste. If you are diabetic, think of the sweet, fruity taste as your body telling you that you need to be more vigilant in monitoring your blood glucose levels.

It's in Your Head (Literally)

Often strange tastes originate right in your head—your ears, nose, and throat, that is. Your nose and mouth are connected, as well as the throat and ears, by nasal passages and the Eustachian tube. As a result, any problems in the nose, sinuses, middle ear, tonsils or throat can cause weird tastes in your mouth. Sinus infections, respiratory infections, seasonal allergies, and colds can create tastes associated with blood, secretions, pus and even dying tissue.

See your doctor for infections, which can be cleared up with an antibiotic. You can take allergy medication to help with your seasonal allergy symptoms, but the common cold simply takes time to go away. When you're feeling better, the taste goes away as well.

Dental Problems

Common sense says you should floss and brush your teeth at least twice a day. This helps combat bad breath caused by decomposing food and bacteria that live on your tongue and between your teeth. Not keeping on top of your oral hygiene, however, leads to other problems like tooth decay, gingivitis, and loss of teeth. Any disease of the teeth will cause abnormal tastes in your mouth, such as metallic, bitter, and even rotting.

Rather than ignore the taste, schedule a visit to your dentist to rule out any dental problems. Sometimes an unusual taste turns out to be merely an anomaly. Learn more by visiting clinics like All About Smiles.
